© 1994-2024, Scott Sperling
Back Issues Vol. 15 and 16 (in reverse order): Vol. XVI, No. 7 - December 2017 Old Testament Study - Exodus 33-34 A Stiffnecked People, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:13-15 (part 2) Satan’s Attacking Soldiers, by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Romans 1:21-32 The Wrath of God, the Sin of Man, pt. 2, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - Communion with God How to Spend Every Day with God, pt. 4, by Matthew Henry (1710) A Study in Wisdom - Psalm 78 (pt. 2) Lessons from History, pt. 2, by Scott Sperling A Sermon - Spurgeon Sermon, No. 551 Do You Know Him? -Phil. 3:10, by Charles H. Spurgeon (1855) A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon Spiritual Warfare, by William Spurstowe (1666) Postscript All We Have is from God, by Matthew Henry (1662-1714) Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: P7.pdf Vol. XVI, No. 6 - November 2017 Old Testament Study - Exodus 32 The Molten Calf, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:13-15 (part 1) The Time of Affliction, by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Romans 1:18-20 The Wrath of God, the Sin of Man, pt. 1, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - Communion with God How to Spend Every Day with God, pt. 3, by Matthew Henry (1710) A Study in Wisdom - Psalm 78 (pt. 1) Lessons from History, pt. 1, by Scott Sperling A Sermon - Spurgeon Sermon, No. 14 The Victory of Faith - I John 5:4, by Charles H. Spurgeon (1855) A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon the Bible, by William Spurstowe (1666) Postscript New Life: Necessary, by Paton Gloag (1823-1906) Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: P6.pdf Vol. XVI, No. 5 - August 2017 Old Testament Study - Exodus 31 The Divine Call; The Sabbath, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:11-12 (part 3) God’s Grant to Satan’s Request, by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Romans 1:8-17 Paul’s Introductory Remarks, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - Communion with God How to Spend Every Day with God, pt. 2, by Matthew Henry (1710) A Study in Wisdom - Proverbs 4 A Father’s Instruction; Walking in Wisdom; Wisdom in the Whole Body, by Scott Sperling A Sermon - Spurgeon Sermon, No. 2 The Remembrance of Christ - I Cor. 11:24, by Charles H. Spurgeon (1855) A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon Going Up a High Mountain, by William Spurstowe (1666) Postscript Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: P5.pdf Vol. XVI, No. 4 - June 2017 Old Testament Study - Exodus 30 The Brazen Laver, the Oil, the Perfume, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:11-12 (part 2) "He Will Curse Thee", by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Romans 1:1-7 Greetings to the Romans, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - Communion with God How to Spend Every Day with God, pt. 1, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Psalm 77 A Prayer in Distress, by Scott Sperling A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon a Looking-Glass, by William Spurstowe Postscript Also available:Full issue free PDF eBook version: P4.pdf Vol. XVI, No. 3 - May 2017 Old Testament Study - Exodus 28-29 The Priesthood, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:11-12 (part 1) "Put Forth Thine Hand Now", by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Romans 1:1 Introduction to Romans, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - On Prayer How to Begin Every Day with God, pt. 7, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Proverbs 3:13-35 The Value; The Benefits; Living Uprightly, by Scott Sperling A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon Health of Body and Peace of Conscience, by William Spurstowe Postscript Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: P3.pdf Vol. XVI, No. 2 - March 2017 Old Testament Study - Exodus 27 The Brazen Altar, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:10 (part 2) God's Blessing on Work, by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Matthew 28:16-20 The Great Commission, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - On Prayer How to Begin Every Day with God, pt. 6, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Psalm 76 God's Miraculous Protection, by Scott Sperling A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon a Counterfeit Piece of Coin, by William Spurstowe Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: P2.pdf Vol. XVI, No. 1 - February 2017 Old Testament Study - Exodus 26 The Curtains and the Vail, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:10 (part 1) God's Hedge of Protection About Job, by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Matthew 28:1-15 The Resurrection of Christ, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - On Prayer How to Begin Every Day with God, pt. 5, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Proverbs 3:1-12 Imperatives and Benefits, by Scott Sperling A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon the Perching of a Piece of Cloth, by William Spurstowe Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: P1.pdf Vol. XV, No. 7 - December 2016 Old Testament Study - Exodus 25 The Furniture of the Tabernacle, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:9-11 (part 1) "Doth Job Fear God for Naught", by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Matthew 27:57-66 The Burial of Jesus, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - On Prayer How to Begin Every Day with God, pt. 4, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Psalm 75 Thanksgiving for God's Justice and Salvation, by Scott Sperling A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon Contentment and Satisfaction, by William Spurstowe Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: O7.pdf Vol. XV, No. 6 - November 2016 Old Testament Study - Exodus 24 The Blood of the Covenant, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:7-8 (part 4) "My Servant Job", by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Matthew 27:27-56 The Soldiers Mock Jesus; The Crucifixion, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - On Prayer How to Begin Every Day with God, pt. 3, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Proverbs 2 Seeking Wisdom, and the Rewards of Doing So, by Scott Sperling A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon Feeling the Pulse, by by William Spurstowe Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: O6.pdf Vol. XV, No. 5 - September 2016 Old Testament Study - Exodus 21-23 Ordinances for the Children of Israel, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:7-8 (part 3) God's Second Question, pt. 1, by Joseph Caryl (1666) A New Testament Study - Matthew 27:11-26 Jesus Before Pilate, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - On Prayer How to Begin Every Day with God, pt. 2, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Psalm 74 A Lament; Destruction; God's Work; An Appeal, by Scott Sperling A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon Mixtures, by William Spurstowe Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: O5.pdf Vol. XV, No. 4 - July 2016 Old Testament Study - Exodus 20 The Law and Grace, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:7-8 (part 2) Satan's Answer to God, by Joseph Caryl (1666) A New Testament Study - Matthew 26:69-27:10 Peter's Denial; Judas's Death, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - On Prayer How to Begin Every Day with God, pt. 1, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Proverbs 1:10-33 An Enticement to Evil; A Plea to Heed Wisdom, by Scott Sperling A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon Banishment, by William Spurstowe Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: O4.pdf Vol. XV, No. 3 - June 2016 Old Testament Study - Exodus 19 Mount Sinai, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:7-8 (part 1) God's Question to Satan, by Joseph Caryl (1666) A New Testament Study - Matthew 26:47-68 Jesus' Arrest; Jesus Before the Sanhedrin, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - Prayer An Overview, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Psalm 73 A Stumbling Point; A Turning Point, by Scott Sperling Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: O3.pdf Vol. XV, No. 2 - May 2016 Old Testament Study - Exodus 18 Moses, Jethro, and Zipporah, by C. H. Mackintosh A Classic Study - Job 1:6 The Sons of God, and Satan, by Joseph Caryl A New Testament Study - Matthew 26:31-46 Preparation for Jesus's Death; Gethsemane, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - The Bible An Introduction, by Horatius Bonar A Study in Wisdom - Proverbs 1:1-9 Introduction to the Book of Proverbs, by Scott Sperling Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: O2.pdf Vol. XV, No. 1 - April 2016 Old Testament Study - Exodus 17:8-16 - pt. 4, by A.W. Pink Amalek, pt. 2, by A. W. Pink A Classic Study A Treatise on Providence, pt. 4, by William S. Plumer A New Testament Study - Matthew 26:26-30 The Sacrament of Holy Communion, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - Spiritual Knowledge The Growth of Spiritual Knowledge, by Scott Sperling A Study in Wisdom - Job 1:6-12 - Introduction, by Joseph Caryl The Cause of Job's Affliction Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: O1.pdf Vol. XIII-XIV Back Issues Vol. XII Back Issues Vol. XI Back Issues Vol. X Back Issues Vol. IX Back Issues Vol. VIII Back Issues Vol. VII Back Issues Vol. VI Back Issues Vol. V Back Issues Vol. IV Back Issues Vol. III Back Issues Vol. II Back Issues Vol. I Back Issues
Back Issues Vol. 15 and 16 (in reverse order): Vol. XVI, No. 7 - December 2017 Old Testament Study - Exodus 33-34 A Stiffnecked People, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:13-15 (part 2) Satan’s Attacking Soldiers, by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Romans 1:21-32 The Wrath of God, the Sin of Man, pt. 2, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - Communion with God How to Spend Every Day with God, pt. 4, by Matthew Henry (1710) A Study in Wisdom - Psalm 78 (pt. 2) Lessons from History, pt. 2, by Scott Sperling A Sermon - Spurgeon Sermon, No. 551 Do You Know Him? -Phil. 3:10, by Charles H. Spurgeon (1855) A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon Spiritual Warfare, by William Spurstowe (1666) Postscript All We Have is from God, by Matthew Henry (1662- 1714) Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: P7.pdf Vol. XVI, No. 6 - November 2017 Old Testament Study - Exodus 32 The Molten Calf, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:13-15 (part 1) The Time of Affliction, by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Romans 1:18-20 The Wrath of God, the Sin of Man, pt. 1, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - Communion with God How to Spend Every Day with God, pt. 3, by Matthew Henry (1710) A Study in Wisdom - Psalm 78 (pt. 1) Lessons from History, pt. 1, by Scott Sperling A Sermon - Spurgeon Sermon, No. 14 The Victory of Faith - I John 5:4, by Charles H. Spurgeon (1855) A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon the Bible, by William Spurstowe (1666) Postscript New Life: Necessary, by Paton Gloag (1823-1906) Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: P6.pdf Vol. XVI, No. 5 - August 2017 Old Testament Study - Exodus 31 The Divine Call; The Sabbath, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:11-12 (part 3) God’s Grant to Satan’s Request, by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Romans 1:8-17 Paul’s Introductory Remarks, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - Communion with God How to Spend Every Day with God, pt. 2, by Matthew Henry (1710) A Study in Wisdom - Proverbs 4 A Father’s Instruction; Walking in Wisdom; Wisdom in the Whole Body, by Scott Sperling A Sermon - Spurgeon Sermon, No. 2 The Remembrance of Christ - I Cor. 11:24, by Charles H. Spurgeon (1855) A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon Going Up a High Mountain, by William Spurstowe (1666) Postscript Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: P5.pdf Vol. XVI, No. 4 - June 2017 Old Testament Study - Exodus 30 The Brazen Laver, the Oil, the Perfume, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:11-12 (part 2) "He Will Curse Thee", by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Romans 1:1-7 Greetings to the Romans, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - Communion with God How to Spend Every Day with God, pt. 1, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Psalm 77 A Prayer in Distress, by Scott Sperling A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon a Looking-Glass, by William Spurstowe Postscript Also available:Full issue free PDF eBook version: P4.pdf Vol. XVI, No. 3 - May 2017 Old Testament Study - Exodus 28-29 The Priesthood, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:11-12 (part 1) "Put Forth Thine Hand Now", by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Romans 1:1 Introduction to Romans, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - On Prayer How to Begin Every Day with God, pt. 7, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Proverbs 3:13-35 The Value; The Benefits; Living Uprightly, by Scott Sperling A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon Health of Body and Peace of Conscience, by William Spurstowe Postscript Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: P3.pdf Vol. XVI, No. 2 - March 2017 Old Testament Study - Exodus 27 The Brazen Altar, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:10 (part 2) God's Blessing on Work, by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Matthew 28:16-20 The Great Commission, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - On Prayer How to Begin Every Day with God, pt. 6, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Psalm 76 God's Miraculous Protection, by Scott Sperling A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon a Counterfeit Piece of Coin, by William Spurstowe Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: P2.pdf Vol. XVI, No. 1 - February 2017 Old Testament Study - Exodus 26 The Curtains and the Vail, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:10 (part 1) God's Hedge of Protection About Job, by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Matthew 28:1-15 The Resurrection of Christ, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - On Prayer How to Begin Every Day with God, pt. 5, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Proverbs 3:1-12 Imperatives and Benefits, by Scott Sperling A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon the Perching of a Piece of Cloth, by William Spurstowe Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: P1.pdf Vol. XV, No. 7 - December 2016 Old Testament Study - Exodus 25 The Furniture of the Tabernacle, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:9-11 (part 1) "Doth Job Fear God for Naught", by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Matthew 27:57-66 The Burial of Jesus, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - On Prayer How to Begin Every Day with God, pt. 4, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Psalm 75 Thanksgiving for God's Justice and Salvation, by Scott Sperling A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon Contentment and Satisfaction, by William Spurstowe Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: O7.pdf Vol. XV, No. 6 - November 2016 Old Testament Study - Exodus 24 The Blood of the Covenant, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:7-8 (part 4) "My Servant Job", by Joseph Caryl (1644) A New Testament Study - Matthew 27:27-56 The Soldiers Mock Jesus; The Crucifixion, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - On Prayer How to Begin Every Day with God, pt. 3, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Proverbs 2 Seeking Wisdom, and the Rewards of Doing So, by Scott Sperling A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon Feeling the Pulse, by by William Spurstowe Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: O6.pdf Vol. XV, No. 5 - September 2016 Old Testament Study - Exodus 21-23 Ordinances for the Children of Israel, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:7-8 (part 3) God's Second Question, pt. 1, by Joseph Caryl (1666) A New Testament Study - Matthew 27:11-26 Jesus Before Pilate, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - On Prayer How to Begin Every Day with God, pt. 2, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Psalm 74 A Lament; Destruction; God's Work; An Appeal, by Scott Sperling A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon Mixtures, by William Spurstowe Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: O5.pdf Vol. XV, No. 4 - July 2016 Old Testament Study - Exodus 20 The Law and Grace, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:7-8 (part 2) Satan's Answer to God, by Joseph Caryl (1666) A New Testament Study - Matthew 26:69-27:10 Peter's Denial; Judas's Death, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - On Prayer How to Begin Every Day with God, pt. 1, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Proverbs 1:10-33 An Enticement to Evil; A Plea to Heed Wisdom, by Scott Sperling A Meditation - The Spiritual Chemist A Meditation Upon Banishment, by William Spurstowe Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: O4.pdf Vol. XV, No. 3 - June 2016 Old Testament Study - Exodus 19 Mount Sinai, by C. H. Mackintosh (1858) A Classic Study - Job 1:7-8 (part 1) God's Question to Satan, by Joseph Caryl (1666) A New Testament Study - Matthew 26:47-68 Jesus' Arrest; Jesus Before the Sanhedrin, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - Prayer An Overview, by Matthew Henry A Study in Wisdom - Psalm 73 A Stumbling Point; A Turning Point, by Scott Sperling Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: O3.pdf Vol. XV, No. 2 - May 2016 Old Testament Study - Exodus 18 Moses, Jethro, and Zipporah, by C. H. Mackintosh A Classic Study - Job 1:6 The Sons of God, and Satan, by Joseph Caryl A New Testament Study - Matthew 26:31-46 Preparation for Jesus's Death; Gethsemane, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - The Bible An Introduction, by Horatius Bonar A Study in Wisdom - Proverbs 1:1-9 Introduction to the Book of Proverbs, by Scott Sperling Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: O2.pdf Vol. XV, No. 1 - April 2016 Old Testament Study - Exodus 17:8-16 - pt. 4, by A.W. Pink Amalek, pt. 2, by A. W. Pink A Classic Study A Treatise on Providence, pt. 4, by William S. Plumer A New Testament Study - Matthew 26:26-30 The Sacrament of Holy Communion, by Scott Sperling A Topical Study - Spiritual Knowledge The Growth of Spiritual Knowledge, by Scott Sperling A Study in Wisdom - Job 1:6-12 - Introduction, by Joseph Caryl The Cause of Job's Affliction Also available: Full issue free PDF eBook version: O1.pdf Vol. XIII-XIV Back Issues Vol. XII Back Issues Vol. XI Back Issues Vol. X Back Issues Vol. IX Back Issues Vol. VIII Back Issues Vol. VII Back Issues Vol. VI Back Issues Vol. V Back Issues Vol. IV Back Issues Vol. III Back Issues Vol. II Back Issues Vol. I Back Issues
“‘Come now, let us reason together,’  says the Lord” Isaiah 1:18 Scripture Studies