© 1994-2017, Scott Sperling
Consistency in Life
"It is not one or two good actions, but a good conversation, which will speak a man
to be a right Christian. A true believer, like the heavenly orbs, is constant and
unwearied in his motion and actings. Enoch ‘walked with God.’ It is not taking a
step or two in a way which denominates a man a walker, but a continued motion.
No man is judged healthy by a flushing color for a particular carriage, but for a
general course. A sinner in some few acts may be very good: Judas repents, Cain
sacrifices, the Scribes pray and fast; and yet all were very false... A saint in some
few acts may be very bad: Noah is drunk, David defiles his neighbour's wife, and
Peter denies his best friend; yet these persons were heaven's favourites. The best
gold must have some grains of allowance. A Christian may stumble, nay, he may
fall, but he gets up and walks on in the way of God's commandments; the bent of
his heart is right, and the scope of his life is straight, and thence he is deemed
-- George Swinnock (1627-1673)