A Meditation Upon a Philosopher’s Stone by William Spurstowe (ca. 1666)   The Title may happily as much affect such who make gold their god, as the sight of the star did the wise men, hoping that it will be both a light and guide to the discovery of that rare and matchless secret, of turning the more base and inferior metals into the more noble; iron into silver, and brass into gold, and so enrich them with an artificial riches.  But I can scarce resolve myself whether the Philosopher’s Stone, which is thus framed for wonders, be not rather a speculation than an absolute reality, or an attempt assayed by many, rather than an achievement attained by few or any.  How many have melted down ample revenues in their crucibles, and while they have, with much labor, sought the sublimation of metals, have sunk themselves into the deepest beggary?  And how have others consumed their time, if not wasted their estates in a fruitless pursuit of it?  And yet have seen no other change than what age and care hath made in themselves, by turning their golden hair into silver hair; or at the best have gleaned up some few experiments only, which have not compensated their cost and travel.  But, what, if any man, after long search and study, can like Archimedes cry out joyfully, that he hath found?  Yea, what if every man, who have busied his thoughts, and employed his time in diving into this mystery, should be able to effect such a change, and to multiply his treasure as the sand?  Yet, how worthless and inconsiderable would such productions of his Philosopher’s Stone be found, if compared with noble and transcendent effects of the Divine, or Theological Stone, which Christ promises in the Book of Revelation to him that overcomes:  whole worth, as it is far greater, so the way to obtain it is more facile and certain, it being not a work of labor, but a gift of grace.  This Stone is of such power and energy, that whosoever is possessed of it, can have nothing befall him, which it changeth and turneth not to his good:  it turneth all temporal losses into spiritual advantages; all crosses into blessings; all afflictions into comforts: it dignifies reproach and ignominy; it changeth the hardship of a prison into the delights of a palace; it is an heavenly Anodyne against all pains, and makes the soul to possess itself in patience in every condition.  It is a Panacea, a universal salve for every sore, to all accidents that can befall a man; it is as the seal to the wax, putting upon them a new stamp and figure, and making them to be what they were not before, and what they never could have been without it.  Such it is that he who hath it, hath all good:  and he that wants it (whatever else he seems to possess) hath little less than nothing.  Who then can without mourning as well as wondering, think at the prodigious folly of those men, who labor in a continual fire to effect the Stone of the Transmutation of Metals, and yet deem this Divine Stone scarce worth the begging of God in a prayer?  Is this wisdom to roil in the refining of clay, and to be able to make a dull piece of earth to shine, and then to value our happiness by it?  Is this wisdom to set a low rate upon what God hath promised to give, and highly to esteem what we can do?  O Lord, if this be the world’s wisdom, let me become a fool:  I had rather have this Divine Stone of Thy promise, than all the treasures that nature and art can yield.  Let the mountains be turned into gold, the rocks into diamonds, the sands into pearls, yet this Stone with the New Name written in it, is to me more desirable than all, as being a sure pledge of life and happiness in heaven.   -----------------------  This article is taken from:  Spurstowe, William.  The Spiritual Chymist: or, Six Decads of Divine Meditations on Several Subjects. London: Philip Chetwind, 1666.  A PDF file of this book can be downloaded, free of charge, at http://www.ClassicChristianLibrary.com
© 1994-2017, Scott Sperling
A Meditation: The Spiritual Chemist
A Meditation Upon a Philosopher’s Stone by William Spurstowe (ca. 1666)   The Title may happily as much affect such who make gold their god, as the sight of the star did the wise men, hoping that it will be both a light and guide to the discovery of that rare and matchless secret, of turning the more base and inferior metals into the more noble; iron into silver, and brass into gold, and so enrich them with an artificial riches.  But I can scarce resolve myself whether the Philosopher’s Stone, which is thus framed for wonders, be not rather a speculation than an absolute reality, or an attempt assayed by many, rather than an achievement attained by few or any.  How many have melted down ample revenues in their crucibles, and while they have, with much labor, sought the sublimation of metals, have sunk themselves into the deepest beggary?  And how have others consumed their time, if not wasted their estates in a fruitless pursuit of it?  And yet have seen no other change than what age and care hath made in themselves, by turning their golden hair into silver hair; or at the best have gleaned up some few experiments only, which have not compensated their cost and travel.  But, what, if any man, after long search and study, can like Archimedes cry out joyfully, that he hath found?  Yea, what if every man, who have busied his thoughts, and employed his time in diving into this mystery, should be able to effect such a change, and to multiply his treasure as the sand?  Yet, how worthless and inconsiderable would such productions of his Philosopher’s Stone be found, if compared with noble and transcendent effects of the Divine, or Theological Stone, which Christ promises in the Book of Revelation to him that overcomes:  whole worth, as it is far greater, so the way to obtain it is more facile and certain, it being not a work of labor, but a gift of grace.  This Stone is of such power and energy, that whosoever is possessed of it, can have nothing befall him, which it changeth and turneth not to his good:  it turneth all temporal losses into spiritual advantages; all crosses into blessings; all afflictions into comforts: it dignifies reproach and ignominy; it changeth the hardship of a prison into the delights of a palace; it is an heavenly Anodyne against all pains, and makes the soul to possess itself in patience in every condition.  It is a Panacea, a universal salve for every sore, to all accidents that can befall a man; it is as the seal to the wax, putting upon them a new stamp and figure, and making them to be what they were not before, and what they never could have been without it.  Such it is that he who hath it, hath all good:  and he that wants it (whatever else he seems to possess) hath little less than nothing.  Who then can without mourning as well as wondering, think at the prodigious folly of those men, who labor in a continual fire to effect the Stone of the Transmutation of Metals, and yet deem this Divine Stone scarce worth the begging of God in a prayer?  Is this wisdom to roil in the refining of clay, and to be able to make a dull piece of earth to shine, and then to value our happiness by it?  Is this wisdom to set a low rate upon what God hath promised to give, and highly to esteem what we can do?  O Lord, if this be the world’s wisdom, let me become a fool:  I had rather have this Divine Stone of Thy promise, than all the treasures that nature and art can yield.  Let the mountains be turned into gold, the rocks into diamonds, the sands into pearls, yet this Stone with the New Name written in it, is to me more desirable than all, as being a sure pledge of life and happiness in heaven.   -----------------------  This article is taken from:  Spurstowe, William.  The Spiritual Chymist: or, Six Decads of Divine Meditations on Several Subjects. London: Philip Chetwind, 1666.  A PDF file of this book can be downloaded, free of charge, at http://www.ClassicChristianLibrary.com
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