© 1994-2017, Scott Sperling
Prayers Contrasted
“The Christian in prayer comes up close to God, with a humble boldness of faith,
and takes hold of Him, wrestles with Him; yea, will not let Him go without a
blessing, and all this in the face of his own sins, and divine justice, which let fly
upon him from the fiery mouth of the law; while the non-Christian's boldness in
prayer is but a child’s, either of ignorance in his mind, or harness in his heart;
whereby not feeling his sins, and not knowing his danger, he rushes upon duty
with a blind confidence, which soon quails when conscience awakes, and gives
him the alarm, that his sins are upon him, as the Philistines on Samson: alas, then
in a fright the poor-spirited wretch throws down his weapon, flies the presence of
God with guilty Adam, and dares not look Him in the face.”
-- William Gurnall (1617-1679)