© 1994-2017, Scott Sperling
Our Affliction Temporary
"Whatever afflictions may befall us here, they will not last long, but will soon be
swallowed up in the greater joys or sorrows of the eternal world. These tears will
not always flow; these sighs will not always heave our breasts. We can sigh no
longer than the vital breath inspires our lungs; and we can weep no longer than till
death stops all the fountains of our tears; and that will be in a very little time. And
when we enter into the eternal world, if we have been the dutiful children of God
here, His own gentle hand shall wipe away every tear from our faces, and He will
comfort the mourners. Then all the sorrows of life will cease forever, and no more
painful remembrance of them will remain than of the pains and sickness of our
unconscious infancy."
-- Samuel Davies (1724-1761)