© 1994-2017, Scott Sperling
The Importance of Knowing Christ
"It is a growing conviction in my mind, that vital and influential Christianity
consists, much more than is ordinarily apprehended, in an intimate personal
acquaintance and friendship with our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the great revealer
of God; he is the revealed Divinity. . .To be a Christian, it is not enough that we
know and acknowledge a system of doctrine and of law, deduced from the
sayings of our Lord and the writings of his apostles. It is necessary that we be
acquainted with His person, His character, and His work; that we know the
doctrines of Christianity as His mind, the laws of Christianity as His will. The
very life of Christianity consists in loving, confiding in, obeying Him, and God in
Him; and He plainly can be loved, confided in, and obeyed, only in the degree in
which He is known.."
-- John Brown (1784-1858)