© 1994-2017, Scott Sperling
Proper Christian Character
Some men are like the leaves of a tree, which every wind sets a-shaking and
trembling; or like a bone out of joint, which a man cannot stir without pain: if
the world do but frown upon them, you may see it in their faces, they are quite
dejected with sorrow. Oh, how heavy presently are their hearts, as if they had
lost their heaven! It is to be feared that bough is rotten, which breaketh if but a
little weight be hung upon it. A godly man should be like a rock, immovable,
though high winds and boisterous waves of providence blow and beat upon
him; and like a die, however he be thrown, always to fall upon a square. The
traveller need not murmur, though his inn afford him but mean fare, and a hard
bed, when he knoweth that he must be gone next morning. The ox is not
happier, which hath two or three mountains to graze on, than the bee which
feedeth upon that dew which falleth daily from the storehouse of heaven. If
thou hast secured thine everlasting estate, the boundless God is thy portion, and
surely then thou mayest be like a spring full, under the most scorching
-- George Swinnock (1627-1673)